Computational Thinking

 In 2013 the Department for Education released a new Primary National Curriculum which changed ICT to computing. Sharp J, Potter J, Allen J and Loveless A (2014) highlight that the change took place to focus more on computational thinking which provides children with the skills to create programs, problem solve and conceptualize systems, rather than just how to use programs that exist today. Below is a video which explains the switch from ICT to computing and why the introduction of computational thinking is so important. 

As shown by the video computational thinking is a key concept to the teaching of computing it incorporates many different ideas such as algorithms, decomposition, debugging and abstraction. Berry M (2013) defines an algorithm as a precise set of instructions or rules that tell you how to complete a specific activity.

Csizmadia, A., Curzon, P., Dorling, M., Humphreys, S., Ng, T., Selby, C. and Woollard, J. (2015) define decomposition as breaking something down into different parts to make it easier to understand. They also define abstraction as the idea of removing unnecessary information to reduce the complexity, making it easier to comprehend. Berry M (2013) defines debugging as identifying mistakes and then correcting them. These are all fundamental concepts to the teaching of computational thinking and we learnt a number of different activities that can be done to support the teaching of these. 

For example, Bee-Bots are a good tool for supporting learning. These are programmable robots and in the session we were asked to plan an algorithm to make a square, this forced us to conceptualise and think algorithmically. We then tested out our algorithm and debugged it to ensure that it ran smoothly, a video of our Bee-Bot is shown below. 

Children can be challenged by asking them to create more complex shapes or a car bot could be introduced which requires to input the angle of the turn. 

Once children are ready they can begin creating algorithms on the computer and this can be done on a number of different programs but in our sessions we focused on Turtle Academy and Scratch. We began by creating very simple shapes and then moved on to more complex ones when we were secure with the simple ones. The complex shapes also required us to learn how to save different commands into turtle academy (figure 2 shows some of the shapes that I created) 

(Figure 2) 

It is important that children build up to doing the more complex shapes and patterns as they will become more secure with the program and the skills needed to use it as the go on. 

To conclude computational thinking is fundamental to effective teaching of computing. It provides children with the skills that they need to succeed both now and in the future. In my teaching I will ensure that children are provided with meaningful opportunities to develop these skills as the benefits are huge. 

Reference list- 

Allen, J., Potter, J., Sharp, J. and Turvey, K. (2011). Achieving QTS. Primary ICT : knowledge, understanding and practice. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Berry, M. (2013). Computing in the national curriculum : a guide for primary teachers. Great Britain: Computing At School.

Csizmadia, A., Curzon, P., Dorling, M., Humphreys, S., Ng, T., Selby, C. and Woollard, J. (2015). Computational thinking: A guide for teachers. Hodder Education.

TEDx Talks and Peyton Jones, S. (2014). Teaching creative computer science: Simon Peyton Jones at TEDxExeterYouTube. Available at:
